Esta buena iniciativa ha surgido desde la página Marathon Talk, a través de la Cruz Roja Inglesa, para aportar una ayuda a la gente de Japón desde la comunidad global de corredores.
Yo acabo de realizar una donación y si la queréis hacer vosotros este es el enlace:

Los embajadores de esta iniciativa son:Paula Radcliffe, Chrissie Wellington, Noel Thatcher MBE y Mara Yamauchi.
La maratoniana inglesa Mara Yamauchi resume muy bien la idea de esta contribución:
The scale of devastation in Japan caused by the earthquake is incomprehensible. Every day we see unbearable suffering and grief. It is heart-breaking to see such destruction. But we can support Japan in rebuilding. Japan is a nation of runners. From recreational runners to Olympic champions, Japanese people just love running. Through Run for Japan, we fellow runners in the UK and around the world can support Japan in recovering from this tragedy. So join me in lacing up your trainers. Let's Run for Japan!

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